Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Four more 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch Face Cards

Well I decided to call them my "face cards." I have been having fun with them so far. I should be working of a piece for a show I am entering, but these are more fun at the moment. (2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches, watercolor)

Last of the year and a new beginning...

I was cleaning out my studio, looking at ebay, blogs and what others are doing. I found some watercolor paintings that I was not happy with so I cut them up into 2.5 x 3.5 inches to use for collages thinking I could use them for artist trading cards. I found a few smaller face studies that I did and liked so I started painting other faces on the blank side of the "cards". I liked them too. I think I will continue with these mini series... but what to do with them later... Do people still buy, trade these cards? I have seen them on etsy and ebay... What would be worthwhile to sell them at.... so many questions... I have a headache... I will just keep painting for now.... Here are the first two done on 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 inch 140 lb watercolor paper.

Monday, December 21, 2009

DSFDF Portrait Challenge

I started my blog last year with the DSFDF portrait challenge and had so much fun with it. I jumped right in with this years challenge and hope the unknown artist that was given to me to paint (I am pretty sure I know) is happy with the results. Watercolor 7x10 inches
For those of you not familiar with the Different Strokes from Different Folks, it is worth checking out.
Fun to participate and fun to follow!
Update- Yes, I guessed right. It is Dean and you can click on his name to visit his site and see the painting he did of me. (note how we both used warm colors against cools-totally unplanned by us)

Backyard Pond

My last commission for this season. I learned alot with this painting. It is watercolor with pastel on top. I had a hard time with the reference photos and creating a focal point that didn't look like a black hole in the center on top of fairly flat colored greens. So I pushed the colors and shadows and am happy with the results. It ended up to be fun. 8x26inches

Monday, December 14, 2009

A Good Friend

This is a dog portrait I just finished for a commission. The story behind this dog is wonderful and is all about friendship, patience, loyalty and always ready with a smile. Kind of like my "Buddy." Which reminds me that I need to do a painting of my dog too. Stay tuned....

8x10 inches, watercolor

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Field Trip

Every December I take my class on a "field trip" to a local garden center (Quality Gardens) to paint pointsettias. It is so lovely in the green house, full of color, texture and warmth on a cold day. While I was painting this demonstration one of the employees told me the type of pointsettia I was painting was called "Monet." How appropriate!!!
8x10 inches, watercolor