Friday, May 29, 2009

DSFDF PA hillside

I decided to do the latest DSFDF challenge since I missed the last one. I had no plan, pulled out the paints and picked a warm red for the sky. The rest just happened, lots of changes, and I added some branches to break up the space. A little study for a larger painting someday. It is only about 5 by 8 inches, done in watercolor in about 20 minutes.
my etsy shop

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Weekly Portrait Session

Sometimes painting is like breathing. It comes so easy... and other times, it can be a struggle. Today was a struggle. The air was humid, the washes would not dry.... so many excuses... any valid? I don't know, but I still captured the feeling of the model and her pose. Maybe just not as clean as I would have liked. And a quick note - It was nice to meet someone like our model today. Very sincere and grounded... best of luck to her in her adventures!
stop by my etsy shop

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Back Painting Again

Well, it seems like forever, but I was able to get to a portrait session today. Even though I didn't get the whole session in... late again! This watercolor took about an hour of painting time. Sometimes I think, especially with watercolor, a time limit helps to keep the focus and not to overwork the painting. It was really easy to pick colors today... got away from my purples... Check out my etsy shop.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Butler Session

This watercolor is from the latest model session at Butler Arts... I am enjoying these sessions and am learning how to apply my paint fast and which colors work. We end up with about 1.5 hours of paint time. I am trying to use less water so that the paper dries and I can layer without turning to mud. I offered to model last week (which was really fun) and am getting my summer class schedule out so I have not been painting much.... miss it, But as an artist/studio owner, the marketing has to come first. This summer I also plan to do some bigger paintings and less demos since I will have the time. Stay tuned! Oh and I also got my etsy shop open, but still need to list more of my work. It never ends, but at least I am not bored...